The Association of Craft Teachers
was founded in 1911 and has since worked with enthusiasm for the development of the craft education in Finland. Our main goal is to speak for the rights of our members, and to enhance the quality of craft teaching and the working environments of our members. Our ways and means include participating in the political discussion involving craft education and offering various educational events to the members of the association.
The Association of Craft Teachers organizes educational events that offers craft teachers an opportunity to meet their colleagues and attend lectures on current topics. Further, our organization is annually represented in the largest educational fair in Finland, Educa. The Association of Craft Teachers also chooses amongst its members a Textile Teacher of the Year. We publish a quarterly magazine Tekstiiliopettaja for our members. In addition, we work in close association with the Finnish crafts organization Taito and The Association of Technology Teachers.
The Association of Craft Teachers consists of 15 local associations, which organize events for their members and offer collegial support. If you want to join, the usual prerequisite is that you are a qualified teacher or a student in the field. First, apply for membership in your local association, through which you will be accepted to be a member in The Association of Craft Teachers.
Finnish craft teaching in a nutshell
- 1866 The first country to make the subject compulsory in the general education system.
- 1986 Basic education reorganized: option to choose either technical or textile studies for both boys and girls.
- Present status: Every cohort studies crafts for at least seven years in the basic education system.
Minna Hankala-Vuorinen
Tel. +358 40 755 2460
E-mail: puheenjohtaja ( at ) tekstiiliopettajaliitto . fi
Office (contact with any queries about membership)
Address: Rautatieläisenkatu 6
00520 HELSINKI, Finland
Tel. +358 40 7649679
E-mail: toimisto ( at ) tekstiiliopettajaliitto . fi
Bank account: FI02 1023 3000 2034 01
Business ID: 0202413-7